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This paper explores the capacity of cinematographic language as a tool for the study of architectural space within a given social, cultural and historical context. Specifically, the health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting situations of isolation and confinement, have given rise to an intense reflection on domestic habitability and the modes of perception that its users have projected on housing as a space of forced confinement. A space-time-sensory experimentation is presented through cinematographic language, proposed to young architects and audiovisual artists, in which the influence of the domestic on human behavior has been investigated, analyzed both from the reality of its intensive daily use as from the different relations between the personal interior and the denied exterior. Using as a methodology the critical analysis of the production of different filmmakers and their ways of undertaking cinematographic practice, different audiovisual interpretations of the house, its objects, its inhabitants, its elements of relationship with the outside and its particular concept of transparency have been materialized. The resulting stories have manifested, from the phenomenological, singular contemporary ways of living, confirming the suitability of cinematographic language as an instrument to narrate architectural experiences.
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