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Pedro de Llano Neira
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 21 (2022), Articles
Submitted: 26-11-2021 Accepted: 15-10-2022 Published: 23-11-2022
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This article is dedicated to a work done by Maria Eichhorn (Bamberg, 1962) in Vigo in 2008. Carta a Angelina Estévez is representative of a moment of change in the career of this German artist, who has been recognized as one of the main exponents of contemporary post-conceptual practices, especially in what has to do with the reformulation of Institutional Critique. In the first part, the process of the work is contextualized and documented, which exemplifies the importance of archives in contemporary art. In the second, the work is analyzed through a double theoretical framework, which contemplates the theories of the philosopher Derrida on the concepts of “supplement” and “inheritance”, on the one hand, and the historiographical debates around “historical memory”, on the other, enabling, in the last section of this study, a reflection on the critical relationship that Carta a Angelina Estévez establishes with the sculptural medium and the idea of monument.

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