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Javier Gándara Feijóo
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
No 21 (2022), Articles
Submitted: 24-02-2021 Accepted: 22-04-2021 Published: 21-11-2022
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This article analyzes Representación a San Roque, a hagiographic comedy of special relevance for being one of the few documents of the eighteenth century with fragments in Galician. The manuscript libretto, not examined until now, is preserved in a private archive of Ourense. Following an analytical methodology, various aspects will be addressed in relation to the play: structure in three acts, plot, languages, characters (especially Galician) and incidental music. Furthermore, comparisons will be made with other stage creations of the Modern Age, both those elaborated in the peninsular northwest and in other latitudes. It is possible to conclude that Representación a San Roque follows the Hispanic theatrical tradition of the Siglo de Oro but adapted to Galicia and new trends. Thanks to this text it can be known that short genres were not the only ones with Galician parts during the eighteenth century in the peninsular northwest.