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Mª del Mar Lozano Bartolozzi
Universidad de Extremadura
No 17 (2018), Subject. Permeable walls: heritage, identity and interculturality
Submitted: 13-11-2018 Accepted: 13-11-2018 Published: 01-03-2019
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A study of the design and construction of a number of particularly unique gardens in the city of Cáceres, at the Xavier de Salas Foundation, the convent of La Coria in Trujillo, and at the castle of Arguijuela de Abajo. Some of these gardens were designed but never built, some were built but have since disappeared, and others are still in existence today. Those under analysis have been designed to restore a heritage that was once the preserve of the castles, convents, stately homes, and open spaces in the region’s historic town centres and cultural landscapes.
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