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Aleix Herreras Carrera
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Vol 8 (2022), Articles
Submitted: 30-07-2022 Accepted: 21-12-2022 Published: 29-12-2022
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This article is based on the observation of the campaign ads collected by the Museum of the Moving Image and the YouTube channels of the candidates for the presidency of the United States. Until the eighties, the use of music was not normalized in this type of advertising. There is a decreasing use of the jingle and an improvement in the integration of the meanings provided by the music due to congruence and complementarity. In the nineties there is a clear increase in the number of spots released, through which their most characteristic musical stylistic clichés are established. In the 21st century are being integrated the musical resources of emotional advertising, and currently is being normalized some sensationalism that absorbs the style of the cinematographic trailer. Through music, the ad distinguishes the purpose of the advertiser and indicates words with silences and other musical resources.