Electoral rise of the Spanish far-right. Analysis of the emergence and evolution of the VOX vote (2018-2019)
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This research work aims to be a detailed recapitulation from the classic postulates of Political Science whose purpose will be to order and explain the rise and consolidation of the extreme right party VOX within the political and party system of Spain. To do this, we will carry out an analysis that will consist of three differentiated prisms, namely, a first that asks about the determinations that allow the birth and growth of the party based on a bibliographic review. A second prism whose objective will be to describe those citizens who choose to vote for VOX by designing voter profiles, and finally, a third space dedicated to explaining the composition of the vote for the Spanish far-right party through binary logistic regression models. In this way, we try to answer three questions: Why does VOX arise? Who votes for VOX? And why do they vote for VOX?
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