No 22 (2012), Articles
Submitted: 16-01-2013
Accepted: 16-01-2013
The new qualifications supposes a substantial change in the way in which is determined the academic credit. To assess in Europeans credits implies determining clearly the tasks that the students must lead to end to achieve the competences, but the time that they will use to perform them. The investigations related to this calculation are few, but it seems a common result the variability of the results and the individual dispersion. We present the process undertaken to determine the times used by 684 students in the Prácticum of degrees of Education during three academic consecutive academic years. The main conclusions refer to the overestimation and variability of the results, despite the gradual changes in each stage to try to control it. Some possible explanations for this phenomenon as well as the strategies to control it are discussed.
ECTS, workload, Practicum