La manipulación informativa: una vieja amenaza que requiere de una solución multilateral, equilibrada e innovadora
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Today's society has the ideal conditioning factors so that information manipulation, in its different forms, has become a security problem, if not the most important. Proof of this are the references made to terms such as disinformation, manipulation or post-truth in the most preeminent strategic and security documents both at the state and international levels and the use of this type of technique as the foundation of the so-called fourth generation wars or hybrid wars.
However, despite the apparent efforts of the public authorities to stop what constitutes a real scourge for the rule of law, the results have not been fruitful, so the solutions pass, in our opinion, by drilling, even more, in the joint work of both national and international agents, as well as public and private, without forgetting to make citizens in general part of this process, fundamentally, with their education and training. Likewise, we defend the channeling of solutions through multilateralism, since the States must work jointly and broadly, collaborating through international organizations (such as NATO or the EU), whose work (of which an analysis is carried out critical) will be a conditio sine qua non in the utopian eradication of this old threat.
Finally, we delve into the blurred line that separates the fight against information manipulation from censorship, because the key is to find the midpoint between security and freedom in the most guaranteed and transparent way possible, so that achievements are not violated. such as freedom of information and expression
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