Modificando el pasado y el presente para manipular el futuro: herramientas para combatir la alteración consciente del discurso histórico y fáctico con fines espurios
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The development of the new technologies of the information and the communication (Tics) has comported an absolute transformation of the panorama mediático global. Of you result of this, day after day and every time with greater frequency have to confront us to an avalanche of news, through conventional means and of new means, that complicate the process of information of the individual and of the society with regard to the reality that surrounds them. In definite, are exposed to a volume of data every time greater, but lack the precise tools to process them and extract the truthful information from them. Incorporating the philosophical perspective, psychological and pedagogical, understand that the capacity of critical trial includes the skill to argue analysis, issue trials or make inferences. The three capacities result fundamental when we read information and news on the recent past, or on our social context in general: in the measure in that we analyse a news are making inferences, through deductions, inductions or hypothesis; we issue trials, evaluating the information; and we analyse speeches.
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