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Silvia Marina Rivas de Hernández
Profesora de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de El Salvador
El Salvador
No 2 (2020), Articles
Submitted: 21-11-2020 Accepted: 27-02-2021 Published: 31-12-2021
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At the beginning of the 21st century with the accession of Vladimir Putin to the presidency, the Russian Federation consolidated a more global behavior based on strategies marked in the establishment and strengthening of diplomatic, economic and political relations with outstanding countries of other latitudes in order to achieve its priority interest: reemerge as a global power within the international structure. Thus, Russia broadened its spectrum of foreign action beyond the diplomatic, moving towards a greater rapprochement with other regions such as Latin America.

Using structural realism in its offensive variant proposed by Mearsheimer, the interests of the Russian Federation in the Latin American region are described, with special emphasis on the South American countries and Mexico, which could place it accordingly, as a global power within the structure. Current international influence through influence in extra-regional areas. On the other hand, it explains how the historical predominance of the United States over Latin America would be diminished, to the extent that Russia manages to be part of the powers with influence in the region. Even though, the initial opening factors to the strengthening of Russian-Latin American relations are weakened, the Latin American countries will continue to maintain their relationship with Russia, although they are reduced to diplomatic and cultural terms. The North American elections in November and the efforts of Russia in terms of health cooperation with some countries in the region in the fight against COVID19, will mark the power of influence of both States in the coming years.