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Norberto Aser González Trigo
Guardia Civil
No 2 (2020), Articles
Submitted: 17-02-2021 Accepted: 17-02-2021 Published: 31-12-2019
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The interaction between subsystems (such as vehicles, highways, people and norms) that make up the road system generates imbalances due to the excessive preponderance of the human subsystem over the rest.  This imbalance manifests itself in the form of traffic collisions as a consequence of human behaviors that violate road norms and laws.  Although the rules are known, they are not accepted -- a fact that, when associated with the incorrect measurement of the level of subjective risk associated with their non-compliance, causes the accident rates to only increase.

Thus, the technological subsystem offers the road system the possibility of providing greater and lasting stability by incorporating current vehicles with intelligent safety systems that correct or prevent human errors.  Certainly the goal is to achieve zero deaths on the road by the year 2050, an event parallel to the evolution of the automated and connected vehicle that will assume all driving tasks.

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