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Abraham Rubín Álvarez
Universidade de Vigo
Vol 43 No 2 (2024), Studies
Submitted: 02-03-2023 Accepted: 13-11-2023 Published: 26-02-2024
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Jean-François Lyotard is one of the French philosophers of the second half of the 20th century who tried to give a chance to the elaboration of a way of thinking about the event by linking it to the motif of difference. The starting point is the consideration that knowledge cannot reduce all difference to identity, as there are always margins and remnants that cannot be translated from one language into another or assimilated into a unifying concept. Lyotard will attempt to prefigure the emergence of novelty with a way of thinking that goes beyond the homogeneous. Difference will aim to highlight the unassimilable and untranslatable remnants, as well as the wrongdoing, while also making room for a more open, unaligned discourse and communication, which will help something to happen.


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