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Vicente Raga Rosaleny
Universitat de València
Vol 42 No 2 (2023), Studies
Submitted: 26-01-2022 Accepted: 11-07-2022 Published: 02-05-2023
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Descartes is often seen as a loner, a sort of metaphysical Robinson Crusoe. The Cartesian origin of modern philosophy would join the most radical and solipsistic theoretical attitude with a disinterest in the practical questions that had so preoccupied the thinkers who preceded him. Nevertheless, the canonical reading of Descartes as a pure theoretician, disengaged from others, and even from himself, is problematic. The Cartesian meditator emerges from a dialogue with a mysterious interlocutor who, whether he deceives him or not, undoubtedly questions him. Moreover, at the end of his life Descartes outlined a theory of the passions with admiration, love, and generosity, which always point to an alter ego, as key notions for achieving fragile worldly happiness. It is worth asking whether these usually neglected aspects allow us to bring Descartes closer to the peculiar “genre” of philosophical confession.

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