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Modesto Gayo
Escuela de Sociología, Universidad Diego Portales
No 33 (2021): O fenómeno das peregrinacións. Reflexións e prácticas desde unha perspectiva interdisciplinar, Varia
Submitted: 21-03-2021 Accepted: 24-11-2021 Published: 25-03-2022
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In order to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the coup d’état in 1973, many events were celebrated in Chile during 2013. In dialogue with previous ideas about political cleavages and the symbolic significance of territory, this article propose an interpretation of the commemoration that allows to identify the currency of the authoritarian versus democratic cleavage. Besides that, such divide produce a fragmentation of the Chilean capital in two main places of memory, that might be understood as two scenarios within which make public or colective sense defending two memories that still divide Chilean society.