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Andrea Alcántara Janeiro
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 32 (2020), Dossier, pages 115-130
Submitted: 20-01-2020 Accepted: 18-05-2020 Published: 13-11-2020
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The fact of considering biography as a tool at the service of History has varied substantially since
the end of the historiographic paradigms in the decade of the 1980s. The renewal of biography
involves a discussion about its nature and boundaries, by which this genre overcomes the oldfashioned
nineteenth-century clichés usually conferred to it. In this case, by means of a biographical
study about the Cuban Fulgencio Batista, we were able to verify how biography turned out to be the
most suitable approach so as to, not only illustrate this character’s public and private life periods,
but also to depict the period in which he ruled Cuba. By giving priority to the historical context
he assimilated in his first lifetime years, and to the ideas he apprehended in his environment, we
understood this character as a result of the historical moment he lived in.

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Article Details


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