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Laura Pallarés Ameneiro
Universidad Santiago de Compostela
No 31 (2019), Dossier
Submitted: 22-04-2019 Accepted: 11-07-2019 Published: 28-08-2019
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This article entitled “Violence, Prostitution and Reconstruction of identities” has as main objective to demonstrate how prostitution as a phenomenon and social reality since ancient times, has been marked in the life of each of the women since childhood, by temporary or continuous episodes of mainly physical violence, causing a rupture of their natural identity. Methodology based on the theoretical knowledge of Doreen Massey, among others, and practical, with meticulous fieldwork, through 9 personal interviews and 50 surveys of sex workers in Mexico City. The results obtained based on the methodology used confirm the reconstruction of the identity or neo-identity of the prostitutes, without filters, without double personality and without violence.
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