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Manuel Borobio Sanchiz
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
José Daniel Turrado Sánchez
Augusto Pérez Alberti
No 27 (2015): SIG and historical knowledge, Articles
Submitted: 30-06-2015 Accepted: 10-11-2015 Published: 12-01-2016
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This article aims to present the conclusions of the design of a Galician landscape cartography based on the integration of widespread data sources available in our public geographical information systems. Understanding the science of landscape allows a holistic and integrated view of the processes and dynamics operating in the territory and beyond the sectoral vision of specialized data sources often provide. These sources of geographic information data include, among others, the Land use and hedges map system of Spain (SIOSE), the Agricultural Plots Information System (SIGPAC) or the Forest Inventory Map of Spain (IFN). The Cases of this article focuses on agricultural landscapes and natural dynamics, called agroscapes.

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