No 23 (2011): Imperios: luz y tinieblas, Problems of definition and classification
Submitted: 03-05-2012
Accepted: 04-05-2012
Published: 04-05-2012
This paper explores the semantic and conceptual field in Negri’s work around the concept of Empireas related to the key concepts of Multitude and Common. An inmanentist philosophy of History ontologicallylays the foundation to the emerging collective subject of emancipation (Multitude) in thenew immaterial mode of production as it generates a new shared condition of workers (Common).In this way the postmodern premises of the author are eroded and modernity returns in certain keyaspects such as subject, truth, progress and micropolitics. As a consequence of this, the theoreticalstatus of politics becomes compromised as being a subsidiary deduction from an underlying ontology:politics loses its contingent, endogenous, constitutive nature
ontology, immanent, teleology, Philosophy of History