Temperature oscillations of small-scale fishery practices: the expansion of capitalist economy in Islas Huichas, Puerto Cisnes and Puerto Melinka, Aysen Region, Chile.
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temperature indicator of the capital economy expansión. Thus, the major the change the greater
the loss of traditional features, which is equivalent to a "cooling" of coastal communities because
of the penetration of new technologies that are imposed without considering local conditions.
This expansion condition practices in different degrees and forms, even in distant places as the
southern-austral region of Chile. Nevertheless, it is important to underline that traditional small
scale fisheries of Aysen are not only ‘cooling’ because of its internal dynamic, but also, and above
all, for being comprised within a bigger economic and political context, with interventions and
agency from different actors guided by divergent interests. Thereby, this scenario constitutes
a territorial laboratory to understand the complex game of co-existing , competence between
actors, practices and logics for natural and hydrobiological resources. We reviewed the
intersection between global processes in small-scale fisheries settlements or coves in southern
Chile, with particular interest in depicting ethnographically and ethnologically Islas Huichas,
Puerto Cisnes and Puerto Melinka. In order to recognize both common and different elements and
characteristics between these settlements, the ways of organizing production activities related
to the sea and the involved management processes, three questions are answered: how small-scale fisheries are affected by globalization and technologization processes? What is the role of
local knowledge and ecological factors in fishing activities? What role does the State have in these