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Angel Justo Estebaranz
Universidad de Sevilla
No 24 (2012): Presencia de España en América, Articles
Submitted: 19-03-2013 Accepted: 19-03-2013
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This work centers on the study of the monument dedicated to Antonio José de Sucre, ordered by the Municipality of Quito from the Spanish sculptor José González y Giménez in 1874. This is an analysis of the iconography of the monument, its conception, and the vicissitudes and problems that, throughout almost a decade, threaten the monument to preventing it from seeing the light in its definitive form, being replaced by a plaster cast of the main group. The polemic caused immediately after its public exhibition, is also considered a representation of the liberation of Ecuador to hands of Sucre in such a way that it upset the Spanish minister in Quito, who maintained a debate with the Ecuatorian writer Juan León Mera.

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