La conservación de razas autóctonas y el desarrollo rural
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In the first part of this work the theme of the conservation of the autochthonous breeds will be considerate, so in the point of view of the reasons which justify the measures for the preservation of the breeds in risk of extinction, as in relation with the problems that the practical application of these measures could generate.
A second part will be centred in the consideration of the agrarian policies and their relations with the preservation of breeds.
As an appendix of the measures of preservation, it is succinctly approached the role which might play the autochthonous breeds in relation with the management and preservation of the natural reserves.
Another chapter of this work is centred in a critical analysis of the methods for the preservation of breeds, particularly the use of molecular markers. Here, several proposals to get a more precise methodology in the determination of the priorities for the selection of the populations which may be preserved are also developed.