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Manuel A. Rodríguez Guitián
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Pablo Ramil-Rego
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 3 (2007), Original articles, pages 31-53
Submitted: 13-07-2018 Published: 11-09-2018
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The main methods of climatic classification that have been applied to the Galician territory are reviewed in this paper, stressing those aimed to explain the relationships between climatic parameters and the distribution of plants on land (bioclimatology). This?the first time that detailed maps (macrobioclimates, bioclimates, termotypes and ombrotypes) were drawn from the results of the application of the S. Rivas’ “World Bioclimatic Classification” to the data of 209 weather stations from Galicia and neighbouring territories. Our results show that the majority of the territory belongs to the temperate macrobioclimate, mostly to its submediterranean variant. Only the last stretch of the Sil river watershed and their main affluents (Bibei, Xares, Lor) belong to the mediterranean-pluvistational macrobioclimate. With regard to the continentality of the climate, most of the territory has low seasonal contrasts (hyperoceanic and semioceanic bioclimates) due to the buffering effect of the sea. Only the extreme SE area belongs to the semicontinental bioclimate. The termotypes found in the area were termotemperate, mesotemperate, supratemperate, orotemperate and (infered) criorotemperate, this last termotype being only present in the highest summits of the Trevinca-Sanabria range. In the mediterranean areas, only the mesomediterranean termotype was found. The ombrotypes found ranged from the lower subhumid to the ultrahyperhumid ombrotypes, being dominants the humid types (lower and upper). Finally, some issues are discussed which relate to the limitations caused by the weather station network employed and to the need of improving it to give a response to the growing needs of information related to global warming and its influence on terrestrial habitats, specially in mountainous areas.
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