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Paulo Augusto da Costa Pinto
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Rafael Corral Bellas
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Marta Illera Vives
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Elvira López Mosquera
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
No 6 (2010), Original articles, pages 89-94
Submitted: 12-07-2018 Published: 11-09-2018
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Composting is a suitable technique to treat algae and fish waste because, while reducing the volume results in a product which is rich in nutrients the interest for agriculture. After a composting process of 108 days, has been evaluated the viability of the product obtain to the above mentioned waste to be used as a substrate in lettuce, bean and tomato seeding. The high electrical conductivity exhibited by the compost (11.05 dS / m in saturation extract) produced a reduction in the growth of lettuce and bean seedlings, due to its high sensitivity to salinity. However, there was an improvement in the growth of tomato seedlings that are more resistant to salinity. According to the results we can conclude that the resulting compost seaweed and fish remains is valid for use as a substrate only for salt-tolerant species. For use it in sensitive species, should be mixed with another material or with a pre-wash materials.
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