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Claudia Benassini Félix
Universidad La Salle Ciudad de México
Vol 4 No 17 (2022): SDGs 14 and 15 on the training and information agendas | Disinformation, Research articles
Submitted: 14-10-2022 Accepted: 26-11-2022 Published: 16-12-2022
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This work aims to carry out an exploration of the manosphere through the analysis of the conversational threads of two profiles located in the social-digital network Facebook. It is divided into four parts: the first reconstructs and characterizes the manosphere as one of the most important spaces in the construction of misogyny. The second part defines hate speech and its manifestations in digital environments.

In the third part, the methodology and criteria for the selection of the sample are presented. The fourth part summarizes the main findings and, finally, the conclusions reflect on the findings, in the context of the growth of hate speech in socio-digital networks. It should be noted that Spain and Latin America have a presence in the manosphere, although not as intense and frequent as the groups selected as a result of six months of non-participant observation in five of them, all in English, in which mainly South American men participate. The Latin American groups -one Venezuelan and two more seeking the participation of men from the region- have little influence in the discussion, since the profiles go a long time without being visited and/or updated.