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Ana Imelda Coronel Cabanillas
Profesora Investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente adscrita al Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
Jorge Antonio Gastélum Escalante
Profesor Investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente adscrito al Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Vol 3 No 11, Research articles, pages 37-51
Submitted: 08-04-2019 Accepted: 15-11-2019 Published: 22-01-2020
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This article aims to know and be aware of the needs and obstacles that inmates’ women at Sinaloa face communicating inside and outside the prison. The methodical approach is mixed or qualimetric. Quantitatively, a survey of 37 items grouped into seven dimensions of personal, family, legal, health, safety, educational and work-life of female prisoners was applied. Qualitatively, they were interviewed in order to know their communicative needs with their family, friends, lawyer, prison authority and conjugal visit, as well as the means used to communicate.

Communicative processes are not completed; The deficits in this regard are visible, which contradicts the theoretical and legal duty of reference: more than 50% of them do not receive visits from their relatives, husbands or boyfriends, and those who are frequented by their partners do not have exclusive areas for the case; also, fewer than 10% are visited by their friends.

However, female prisoners minimize this affective deficiency by communicating with their family through their cell phones that they have in a clandestine manner since the prison booths cannot be used because they are generally broken.

In general, they know their rights and the State’s obligation to provide them with a defense attorney, however, their official representative does not inform them or attend them neither timely nor in the appropriate way and with the prison authorities they do not establish any type of communication. Due to the communication problem of these women, it is proposed to humanize the Female Prisons at Sinaloa.

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