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Miguel Álvarez Peralta
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Joan Pedro Carañana
Saint Louis University
Vol 2 No 8 (2018), Research articles, pages 92-106
Submitted: 22-05-2018 Accepted: 07-07-2018 Published: 20-07-2018
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In order to analyze the mediatization of politics, it has a special interest the way in which the press has covered the parliamentary proposals of regulation for the social communications: management of the radio spectrum, public media models, etc. The eleventh legislature in Spain has had a special significance because it was the first in which two new parliamentary groups broke in: Ciudadanos and Unidos Podemos. Therefore, they had the opportunity to define ex novo their political strategies in this area. In turn, newspapers had the opportunity to define their editorial line in relation to their proposals. This research analyzes the coverage carried out by 15 newspapers (7 digital and 8 with a well-established paper edition). It describes the news framing strategies followed in the reconstruction of the proposals presented by Unidos Podemos. It registers a deficit of depth and rigor in the coverage, which is more significant in the case of the traditional press.

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