Contido principal do artigo

Margarita Barrera
Universidad de Sevilla – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Alfredo Mainar
Universidad de Sevilla – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
José Vallés
Universidad de Sevilla – Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
v. 29 n. 1 (2020), Articles, páginas 1-18
Recibido: 26-09-2019 Aceito: 07-03-2020 Publicado: 10-05-2020
Direitos de Autor Como Citar


High-tech sectors are able to change the direction and speed of growth of an economy. This is because there are changes in the production technology of these sectors and, therefore, there are also changes in the production types of the sectors, in demand and, consequently, in the operation of the economy. This work seeks to establish the economic interactions that oc-cur when there are changes in a sector of this type. Specifically, cross sectional analysis techniques are applied to social ac-counting matrices to determine how the multiplier effect works within an economy, breaking it down and analyzing the re-distribution effects that other economic activities undergo. For this analysis, the case of Optics in Spain is taken as an exam-ple, the results showing the high dynamic ability of these sectors, both for their multiplying effect and also for their redistri-bution effects.


Detalles do artigo


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