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María Jesús Rodríguez-Gulías
Universidade da Coruña – Facultade de Economía e Empresa
Julio Paulo Martíns
Isla. Instituto Politécnico de Gestão e Tecnologia
David Rodeiro-Pazos
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela – Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais
v. 28 n. 3 (2019), Articles, páginas 21-36
Recibido: 13-07-2019 Aceito: 13-07-2019 Publicado: 19-12-2019
Direitos de Autor Como Citar


Science and technology parks are considered an essential tool of the Regional Innovation System. For this reason, this paper analyzes the business financial and innovation features of the companies based in science and technology parks in the GaliciaNorthern Portugal Euroregion. Companies based in Galician parks are older and larger in terms of turnover and employment, while there are more companies based in Portugal providing intensive services in high-tech skills and exportation. The level of patents is low for both of them.



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