Contido principal do artigo

Juan Manuel Vilar Fernández
Universidade da Coruña – Facultade de Informática
Jaime Fe Marqués
Universidade da Coruña – ETS de Enxeñaría de Camiños, Canais e Portos
Alejandro M. Vasallo Rapela
Universidade da Coruña – ETS de Enxeñaría de Camiños, Canais e Portos
v. 28 n. 1 (2019), Articles, páginas 40-56
Recibido: 13-07-2019 Aceito: 13-07-2019 Publicado: 12-09-2019
Direitos de Autor Como Citar


The company’s social responsibility, also called corporate social responsibility (CSR), is considered a key strategic factor in management. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing relationships between the CSR principles and the profitability of companies in the construction sector in Galicia. To this end, a review of the concept of CSR and its evolution is made; then, an analysis of the relationship between CSR and business results for Galician companies of the construction sector is carried out; finally, quantitative indicators are developed to evaluate the management and performance of the company and the theoretical approaches are compared with the results obtained through econometric modeling for a sample of 100 companies. This comparative analysis is done through return on assets (ROA,) or economic profitability, and return on equity (ROE), or financial profitability. We conclude that there is a positive relationship between financial returns and CSR, so the latter is consolidated as a source of competitive advantage.


Detalles do artigo


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