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University of Marrakech, Director of GRES: Research Group of Social Economics, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco
v. 25 n. 2 (2016), Articles, páginas 101-116
Recibido: 18-11-2016 Aceito: 18-11-2016 Publicado: 18-11-2016
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The adepts of international migration have attempted to develop models that can be used
to examine the underlying factors that push the migrants to take the decision of leaving
the country of origin. The have tried to analyse the way in which the difference in the
socioeconomic determinants between spatial entities (countries, regions and provinces)
may affect the decision of people to immigrate. This work has recommended first to verify
empirically the validation of the theory of migratory basins within one country and to
identify variables that clarify the intent of emigration. With respect to the Moroccan
context, this work presents a two-fold interest. On the methodological level, this
contribution is, to our knowledge, the first application of the micro econometric spatial
approach on the data collected during our investigation. At the analytical level, the
findings of this work complement those of the few descriptive studies. Subsequently, the
results of this research should be used to reflect deeply upon the public policies related to

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