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Fernando González Laxe
Federico Martín Bermúdez
Federico Martín Palmeiro
Vol 22 No 2 (2013), Articles
Submitted: 14-11-2013 Published: 22-11-2013
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Mobility as a factor of labour is, especially in this stage of economic globalization, a positive aspect that permits the promotion of competitiveness. However, it is also an element that can determine the existence of structural deficiencies in the regions or countries of origin of the emigrants. Galicia is a community with extensive experience in the expulsion of manpower. In the first decade of the XXI century, signs and empirical evidence have started to be detected that in Galicia a wave of what can be de qualified as new emigration is being produced. The object of this research is to quantify those movements of manpower, to verify the causes of the modern third emigration from Galicia
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