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Julia M. Núñez Tabales
Grupo de investigación Dirección de Empresas y Economía Aplicada. Universidad de Córdoba España, Puerta Nueva s/n, 14071, Córdoba, España.
Francisco José Rey-Carmona
Grupo de investigación Dirección de Empresas y Economía Aplicada. Universidad de Córdoba España, Puerta Nueva s/n, 14071, Córdoba, España.
Vol 33 No 1 (2024), Articles, pages 1-22
Submitted: 09-05-2023 Accepted: 29-09-2023 Published: 14-03-2024
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The agricultural sector in Mediterranean latitudes is one of the most affected by climate change, mainly characterized by the incidence of prolonged droughts that jeopardize crop productivity. The main objective of this study is to analyze the perceptions of climate change among irrigation farmers located in the Mediterranean basin. Through hierarchical cluster analysis, three typologies of farmers were identified, revealing differences in three sets of factors: (1) awareness of adverse climatic events that have caused damages to their crops in recent years, (2) sociodemographic characteristics of the farmers, and (3) attributes of their farms. The results should be taken into consideration to enhance the understanding of farmers' perceptions when formulating government policies and potential adaptations related to climate change and agriculture.