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Noemí Elena Burgos
Vol 1 No 2 (2013), Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 27-38
Submitted: 20-02-2018 Published: 20-02-2018
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The central argument of this paper deals with the different connotations that the concept of teacher adopted in the initial level has. This is an important topic to reflect upon from the educational training point of view and during school practice. In the legislation and the educational policies elaborated by the government authorities,  such  as curriculum documents, of in Argentina and other Nations a teacher is conceived as the educational professional whose main function and objective  is to transmit knowledge produced by others, by the specialists, to the future generations.

The initial questions that support this paper are: which is the conception of educational professional for the teacher of the initial level from the beginnings of the educational system? Is his performance limited only to the transmission of knowledge prescribed by the State in its educational policy? Is this a qualified performance at present? How does the fragmentation of the work materialize?

The authoresses speak about the first segmentation of the work, about how the division of the work materializes between the so called "specialists - experts" and the nursery school or primary school teachers, and / or according to the state support that the schools receive. These spaces of reflection, debate and awareness can generate transformative changes, in relation to their everyday roles. The power "to read and to look at" reality critically makes it possible to demystify those crystallized social beliefs that the teachers and specialists reproduce as natural.

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