Vol 8 No 1-2 (2019): Buenas Prácticas en Educación Infantil, Experiencias
Submitted: 30-06-2018
Accepted: 10-05-2019
Published: 22-11-2019
Results of a research on “child education best prac-tices” focused on an experience in an Argentinean ru-ral school are presented. The study was carried out by a team from the Facultad de Humanidades, Artes y Ciencias Sociales of the Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos during 2016 and 2017. It is an authorized partial replica of Dr. Miguel Ángel Zabalza Beraza, from the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, entitled “Curricular Design and Good practices in Child Education: an international, multicultural and interdisciplinary vision. Our purpose was to build knowledge concerning the good teaching practices valued by the teachers in the institutional context of a rural school made up of a multiage classroom and two primary multigrade classrooms. The qualitative research design which included participatory instances was built together with the teachers and the headmistress and the practices selection criteria were the subject of study. The practices selected and analysed in this article are: literacy proposals, their articulation at institutional level and the inclusion of the families in those processes.
Early Childhood Education, Good Teaching, Articulation, Rural School, Multi-Age Classroom