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Daniela de Oliveira Guimarães
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Patrícia Corsino
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Vol 6 No 1-2 (2017): Evaluación de contextos en educación infantil, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 72-81
Submitted: 12-03-2018 Accepted: 12-03-2018 Published: 14-03-2018
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This text analyzes part of the results found in the research “Education of the Network in Early Childhood Schools: Context Assessment”, which had as one of the empirical fields an Early Childhood Education School in Rio de Janeiro city. The main objective of the research was to compare the Italian experience of context evaluation with the reality experienced in Brazil, using the Italian instruments ISQUEN and AVISI in public child education institutions, in order to understand the potential of its evaluative dimensions in the Brazilian scenario. All the experience’s process with the methodology of using the Italian scales mobilized reflections on assumptions that mark the practices and on the educational quality in Early Childhood Education, constituting itself as a formative space. The contrasts perceived by the group of teachers of the School investigated in Rio de Janeiro, between their assumptions and those of the scales, caused several displacements. Among the multiple issues raised, we have chosen in this article the reflection on the reinterpretation of the teacher’s role from the perspective of the relational context as an organizer of the practices, emphasizing the observation, planning, evaluation and documentation in the pedagogical intentionality. The text had as main theoretical references the studies of Gandini, L. & Edwards, C. (2002); Bondioli, A. & Savio, D. (2013); Bondioli, A. & Becchi, E. (2003) and Fortunati, A. (2009).

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