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Elizabeth Ivaldi Rocha
Vol. 4, nº3 (Diciembre 2015). Educación Infantil y Multiculturalidad, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 61-82
Submitted: 20-02-2018 Published: 03-01-2016
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The analysis of the role played by senses and perception during the interactions between children and the natural and cultural elements of heir environment is the concern of this text. New generations are born and grown in multimedia environments characterized by a high provision of stimuli, most of them of visual nature. Recent research shows the prominent place of the sense of sight above the rest. Decades ago, Giovanni Sartori (1998) declared the emergence of the homo videns, video children and video power, omens that seem to have taken place. Visual Culture is the area of the artistic education that produces knowledge and action related to this subject. As early childhood Educators, we are immersed in the iconosphere of our students and their families, therefore we must reflect about it. Our interventions can modify the direction of the processes of acculturation that the 21st century children are facing. We need to promote actions which affect the ongoing training of teachers in the educational use of media with critical positions in relation to the image world. Educators must encourage students to take part in irreplaceable experiences for their development and learning. The multimedia language must be taken proactively into our practices and in dialogue with other languages, especially those related to leisure and expression.

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