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Jorge Gorostiza López
Real Academia Canaria de Bellas Artes
No 18 (2019), Subject: Cities of paper: Architects and artists, audiences and passers-by
Submitted: 17-10-2019 Accepted: 17-10-2019 Published: 30-12-2019
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Aerial views of the urban landscape have long been a source of fascination, providing an alternative take of the city and altering perceptions of it. Cinema has used the overhead urban shot since its inception, showing cities directly from aircraft and also as the backdrop to other flying machines. The point of view (front, rear, side and below) changes depending on where the camera is placed on the aircraft. As regards what is seen from above, the openings of films shot in Madrid have been chosen. There now exists another view of the city that has been obstructed by computer programs. Representation of cities from the air and in motion implies a new way of thinking and of experiencing the urban landscape, which brings about a significant change in audiences and passers-by.

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