No 18 (2019), Articles
Submitted: 02-10-2018
Accepted: 24-07-2019
Published: 30-12-2019
This article traces the Flemish and Italian nature or inspiration of the artworks held in the convents of the Dominican Contemplative Sisters of the Mother of God of Baena and Jesús Crucificado of Córdoba. Unpublished documentation supports evidence of the context in which these pieces entered these monasteries. We also provide information regarding the authorship of certain works that have remained anonymous to date, and thus reveal pieces by the painters Cornelis Schut (1597-1655), Jan Brueghel the Elder (1568-1625), Paul Bril (1553-1626), and Domenico Fiasella (1589-1669), the bronzists Sebastiano Torrigiani (†1596) and Ludovico del Duca (†1603), and the sculptor Francesco Terillus (†1635).
monastic art, art collections, Eucharistic Tabernacle, hermits, ivory sculpture