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Pilar Irala-Hortal
Universidad San Jorge
No 18 (2019), Articles
Submitted: 21-09-2018 Accepted: 16-05-2019 Published: 30-12-2019
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This paper analyses how the art industry (production, display, critical dissemination, distribution, and sale) has found a natural place for work, collaboration, critiquing and commercial transaction in the digital world and, specifically, in social media. This has led to differing transformations and adaptations of the art world to the digital world. The most notable conclusions focus on one of the most evident and profound changes, namely the growing influence of the digital user throughout the art industry chain. Prior to the digital revolution, whoever controlled production (the patron) or information (the middleman) largely controlled the success of an artist, writer or revolution. But thanks in large part to social media and the cross-media relations it is interconnected with, this scale has changed and is, on occasion, being inverted.
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