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María Baudot Monroy
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
No 34 (2024), Articles
Submitted: 24-01-2024 Accepted: 10-04-2024 Published: 27-05-2024
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AWithin the American Revolutionary War (1776-1783), that was joined by Spain in Juny 1779, the English Admiralty reinforced the squadron at Madras to strengthen the defence of its colonies in Southeast Asia, the trade of the East India Company (EIC), and fight against the French in India. With the reference to the successful capture of Manila by a British expedition in 1762 on the memory, France and Spain presumed that the British were contemplating a new attack on Manila. In September 1778, the governor of the Philippines, José Basco y Vargas, learned from the French governor of Pondichery that France was at war against England. Anticipating that Spain would soon enter the war, becaucse of the Family Pact he designed a full defensive program for Cavite and Manila with the view to a long siege, leaving nothing to chance. All the necessary help: expert sailors, frigates, money, troops, supplies, gunpowder, was send from the Mexican viceroyalty.