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Manuel-Reyes Garcia Hurtado
Universidad de A Coruña
No 13 (2004), Articles
Submitted: 28-11-2012 Accepted: 28-11-2012
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We present an overview of the main authors and works concerned with the renewal of educational methods and systems with a view to the introduction of improvements in the learning of the first letters -reading and writing- in Spain. All of those authors and works would prepare the debate and the boom in titles on the topic that took place towards the end of the 18 th and the beginning of the 19th centuries. From the knowledge of the background we gather the elements that serve to explain and frame the end-of-the-century proposals. Without the auhtors that vertebrate these pages the enlightened ideal of education in its popular side would still be an entelechy, since their contribution was crucial so that, at least on the theoretical side, all what concerned schools experienced a pedagogical renewal.
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