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Eduardo Enríquez
Vol 6 (2020), Articles, pages 17-32
Submitted: 21-05-2020 Accepted: 21-07-2020 Published: 15-09-2020
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This is a contribution for understanding the phenomenon of Latin American populism in a case of local politics and also to that of democratic local politics there. Jorge Yunda achieved a priviledged understanding of the cultural codes of popular sectors of the city of Quito through an execution of exceptional communicational talents and being the owner of a big media conglomerate. That allowed him to win the 2019 election to Mayor of the city. The surprise of that victory showed the volatile local party institutionality and a related poor conexion of that political elite with large sectors of population of the city in the middle of classist and racist manifestations against Yunda. That is seen through an analytical narrative of the social and political ascent of Yunda.

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