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Jorge Cruz
Vol 6 (2020), Articles, pages 89-109
Submitted: 19-05-2020 Accepted: 28-07-2020 Published: 15-09-2020
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The interventions of politicians on Twitter are important means to know how their discourse is complemented. Thus, the election of Mayor of Quito 20019 presents an interesting opportunity to analyze how that speech is built. This research finds how tweets can reflect the relationship between the political agenda and the media agenda. These two agendas intersect - in a multimodal perspective - based on how politicians create discourse (theories of Issue Ownership y Saliency) and how the media do it (Agenda Setting, Framing and Priming).


The study refers to the first four candidates in the sectional elections (Yunda, Maldonado, Moncayo and Montúfar). The paper, based on a review of the work plans and hundreds of tweets of the candidates, generates quantifications and comparisons in the transcendental and common themes. Findings visualize whether the political discourse was modified.

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