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Cristina Argelich Comelles
Profesora Doctora de Derecho Civil, Universidad de Cádiz
Vol 30 No 1 (2021), Studies
Submitted: 17-09-2020 Accepted: 18-05-2021 Published: 10-10-2021
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This paper addresses a civil and land registry implementation of real estate smart property in Spain from a comparative perspective. To this end, the work purposes a legal theory and remedies for real estate smart property, evolving towards contract adaptation, guarantees execution and land registry blockchainization. A real estate smart property requires property Tokenization and its conveyancing, and Proptech implementation, in particular, the Internet of Things, in order to associate and control goods and their corresponding digital assets on blockchain. Finally, the paper argues for a land registry blockchainization, according to the Land Registry Interconnection and the IMOLA platform in the EU, and the Alastria Blockchain Ecosystem in Spain, to shape a real estate smart property.

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