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José Manuel Chillón Lorenzo
Universidad de Valladolid
Vol 40 No 1 (2021), Studies, pages 179-205
Submitted: 23-03-2020 Accepted: 08-09-2020 Published: 11-12-2020
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The influence of Saint Augustine in the existential analysis of Being and Time is highly recognized and is always a source of fruitful research. Our work, however, will try to discover the elongated shadow of the bishop of Hippo in the definition of the task of thinking, and therefore in II Heidegger, from what we will call the salvation of the vital-existential moment of the experience of the encounter with the absolute. It is investigated here, then, the possibility that the fundamental notes on which, in our opinion, the mystical experience that is inferred in the Confessions (the distance of man from things, the relativization of worldly affairs and the self-forgetfulness) can count as formal indicators of what is the heideggerian notion of meditative thinking.

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