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Marcela Venebra Muñoz
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Vol 40 No 1 (2021), Studies, pages 155-178
Submitted: 17-03-2020 Accepted: 02-09-2020 Published: 11-12-2020
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The central thesis developed in this paper is that sexual violence is a possibility founded in the — historical — constitutive conditions of the female body, which means that sexual violence against women is possible because of the availability of their bodies. The availability of the female body as a condition for rape is established in three principal moments: 1) The historical and spiritual determination of the subjective female identity as founded in the materiality of her own body —or her reproductive specificity—. 2) The socially ambiguous configuration of the «femenine-I can» derived from the reproduction/sensuality difference; and, 3) The sexual rape as a reassertion of the gender availability in such a way that the rape sexualizes the gender as vulnerable, establishing or adding a wrapping meaning of feminity as something vulnerable. Being an other-body is being, originally, an available body, violable in essence, sexually vulnerable.

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