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Constanza Filloy
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Vol 39 No 1 (2020), Notes
Submitted: 13-01-2019 Accepted: 20-06-2019 Published: 09-12-2019
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The following study is focused in the treatment that Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe offer of the concept of articulatory practice in Hegemony and Socialist Strategy from an althusserian interpretation of the marxist topique. We expose that the contradiction indicated in Hegemony and Socialist Strategy between the determination in the last instance and the concept of overdetermination is presented at the point in which articulatory practice is identified with discursive articulation. Furthermore, we intend to insert the concept of practice in the topical metaphor, following the formulation proposed by Louis Althusser. It has been repeatedly pointed out that the abandonment of Laclau and Mouffe from the Marxist tradition implies a certain reductionism of the social to the discourse. This article explores the hypothesis according to which this movement rejects the marxist making one practice gain primacy over the set of social practices.
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