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Sebastián Chun
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) / CONICET
Vol 38 No 2 (2019), Studies
Submitted: 20-09-2018 Accepted: 11-02-2019 Published: 07-05-2019
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Since the tradition that responses to the Aristotle´s opositional logic, silence is considered unique and absolute as it univocally rejects speaking. Nevertheless it´s problematic to hold a clear and distinct frontier between silence and speaking since one recognizes that the silence is plural. There are multiple ways of silence, one of which speaks more than the most eloquent speech, because it confirms its opposition to the logical and rational discourse. The other silence that will be analysed here in detail is beyond the non contradiction principle. In other words, this silence speaks keeping silent and questioning the only meaning in order to open the possibility of thinking in another way of politics. Lévinas, Blanchot and Derrida will be the proper names that will lead our travel through this fragile itinerary and the only way through is to betray by writing the silence here announced.
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