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José Luís López de Lizaga
Facultad de Filosofía. Universidad de Zaragoza
Vol 38 No 1 (2019), Studies
Submitted: 13-03-2018 Accepted: 29-05-2018 Published: 28-11-2018
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This article analyses whether the last writings of Foucault, already belonging to the 1980s, overcome the normative deficit that authors like Nancy Fraser or Jürgen Habermas had criticized in the Foucauldian previous work. And it is argued that the latest texts are still vulnerable to these criticisms, despite the shift towards the ethical issue of “self-care” and despite the claim of a Kantian and enlightened legacy. In this discussion, the comparison of Foucault’s and Kant’s ideas about revolutions and their legitimacy is crucial to understanding the normative difficulties of late Foucauldian production.
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