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Carmen Ruiz Bustamante
Vol 36 No 2 (2017), Studies
Submitted: 12-12-2016 Accepted: 13-03-2017 Published: 09-06-2017
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This article exposes the leads that Derrida, as a reader of Freud, sketched about the inscription of death in life. The purpose for doing this is to give an account of the notion of autoimmunity that shows itself in what cannot be comprehended simply as life, but through Derrida’s syntagm “life-death”. For this reason Derrida’s psychoanalytical discussion with Freud’s spectre is addressed through the reading of “Freud and the Scene of Writing” and “To Speculate — on ‘Freud’”. Thereby, this work will show the textual operation that allows Derrida to think a certain relation between trace and psychic life that Freud extends to life in general. Later, following Derrida, we will speculate about freudian metapsychology. Focusing particularly in defining death as a detour of life, not only “psychic”, but, as Freud affirms, “organic in general”.
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